Monday, September 27, 2010

Numba Fo'

1. Netbook Cart Team - I enjoyed setting up the netbooks and would like to further work with them
2. Web 2.0 Tools - I think that I couild use my creativity to suggest useful programs for the netbooks
3. In Depth Software Developement - I do not really like developing lessons

I think that my skills would be best put towards the netbook cart team because I am a great problem solver, and if a problem were to occur, I could help the group solve and and move on with the assignment.

On the other hand, I dont really enjoy teaching kids, or rather making lessons.  So hopefully im not put into this group, because i dont think my talents would be best used here.

Ze Third One

Ok, so today we read an article on new technology in schools.  It was cool because we got to brainstorm ways the netbooks could be used, based on four styles of using techonologies.  For dabbling, i think that using the netbooks as teaching aids (like for videos and powerpoints) would be a good idea.  The problem is that only a few classes would get them.  For doing old things in old ways, writing and electronically submitting work would be the best.  For doing old things new ways, buying school supplies that the school needs on the netbooks, such as ordering more textbooks by class, would be the best.  Finally for doing new things new ways a good idea would be to incorporate a lot of technology into the classroom, such as programs that write down what students say on the netbooks.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Course So Far...

As of now, I find the course very interesting.  I say interesting because I have never been in a course with no tests, quizzes or exams.  Also, I enjoy all the technology that surrounds the course.  It is a nice break from chalkboards and essays.

To improve the course, I would say that we should not be stuck on one task for a long period of time.  The netbooks got a little boring when we were setting them up for two weeks.

Overall, I am enjoying the course and am excited to see what we will do next.

Friday, September 24, 2010

First Project Evaluation

For the first assignment was the netbook setup group.  We ran the updates on the netbooks and installed various programs that we thought were necessary.  Here are my ratings of the criteria:

-Completion of tasks: 4.  I fully updated and put all the programs on 2 netbooks.  I was away for one of the classes, which is why other people completed as many as 3.
-Cooperative participation in the group: 4.  I helped other students when they ran into trouble wit hthe netbooks.  Also, I voluntarily switched to the wifi so someone with three netbooks could have better internet access.
-Creative and Critical Thinking:  2.5.  I am not very good with computers, so there were not many programs I could suggest.
-Initiative:  4.  I tried to get the netbooks done as soon as possible.