Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Resonse to the response to the article we originally responded to (Reading Response 3)

1.  a) There is no evidence to support the arguments being made
     b) Author should have told both sides to the stories, not just blatantly favour one side
     c) There are huge cultural factors that affect each area differently

2. I do.  In some cases, there are teachers who are more "in tune" with today's kids and understand they learn differently.  On the other hand, there are teachers who expect students to be exactly like they were when they were students.  Some teachers have to realize that things are changing, including the ways some kids feel comfortable learning.

3. I think that Mr Tapscott's article better understands technology and our generation.  He does more research into the topic, and comes up with better anecdotes.

For example, in the first article, the author writes how "Vishad starts his homework at 11 pm".  This is seen as a negative.  However, Mr Tapscott sees that the whole day was spent by Vishad editing something for two hours, a skill that he wants to pursue as a career.  Mr Tapscott understands that even though the technology might have prevented him from doing his homework, this technology might also be what he works with as a career, and therefore the time was well spent.

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